Sales Through the Eyes of a Climber

Do we really have no control over our paycheck in sales? Is sales just about doing the work then sitting back and hoping for results?

These are the questions Seth Penn asks himself on his long, rocky journey toward success. In this sales memoir, Penn tells the story of how bankruptcy, home eviction, a collapsed lung, and a gigantic IRS bill nearly cause him to lose everything most important to him. With each new traumatic event, he seeks relief the only way he knows how: through rock climbing.

Gradually, with lessons learned on the rock and on the ground, he develops a new and highly effective system of selling that catapults him from a “three-trucks-a-month salesman” to director of training and development at a national truck dealership. In Sales Through the Eyes of a Climber, readers will learn a new way of thinking about sales, about customers, and maybe even about life itself.

" A great read that takes you on a personal journey of challenges of life, climbing and sales. I would highly recommend this book not only to those in sales but to all that enjoys being on life's journey!"

-Paul Stephens - Vice President of Purchasing Arrow Truck Sales

"This book pulled me in to where I felt I was on the rock wall, or in the office with him successfully growing sales. While reading, consider the journey you're on, stop, think, and listen to the encouragement-you will not be disappointed. To your success!"

-Jeff Oldham - CEO GreenMark Equipment

"Sales through the eyes of a climber is real, drawing from the authors personal sales story and finding interesting and relevant parallels between sales and climbing, keeping the reader interested and engaged from cover to cover. With an appropriate and refreshing focus on success through win/win customer value creation, this book is one that I would recommend to anyone looking for a long-term career in sales, and especially those new to the profession."

-Brock Gavin - President Arrow Truck Sales